CIBSE news
Call for 2025 nominations for officers, and Board and Council members
Nominations must be received at the CIBSE offices by 14 October 2024.
New: The Electrification of Heat training course
Introductory offer of 10% off available
Heat networks grant funding extended
Fund provides up to £500 towards select training courses on heat networks.
Members urged to respond to three consultations
Last chance to comment on proposals for planning reform, retrofit assessments and Scottish Passivhaus
CIBSE publishes deep dive into retrofit
Report finds that retrofitted residences outperform non-retrofitted housing stock overall.
CIBSE Certification expands to include occupational health and safety management
CIBSE Certification has grown to support more than 1,100 competent professionals with registration and ongoing technical support.
Have your say on plans for data centres group
The group would enable engineers from across the industry and specialisms to share ideas and knowledge
Holley wins travel bursary to study low carbon heat
The Ken Dale Travel Bursary makes awards of up to £4,000 to CIBSE Members in the developmental stage of their…
New game aims to flush out engineers of the future
An innovative game for nine to 11-year-olds, designed to engage pupils in building services engineering, has been launched by CIBSE.