CIBSE’s Special Interest Groups, Regions and Societies, collectively known as the CIBSE networks, offer a wealth of expertise and knowledge. The vast range of specialisms they cover provides a huge volume of additional resources, events and opportunities to tap into.
If you have not yet taken advantage of these – or attended any of the hundreds of online and in-person events hosted across the network – you are missing out on a rich pool of knowledge and the chance to expand your professional network and develop skills.
The hard work and dedication of the network volunteers cannot be overstated; they are, for many members, the face of CIBSE. Their desire to give back to the industry and help develop the next generation of engineers is appreciated by CIBSE staff and members.
Special Interest Groups
The 18 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) cover everything from daylight to healthcare, to lifts and natural ventilation. They have a combined membership of more than 40,000 people, and host many CPD events throughout the year. SIGs are free to join and open to CIBSE members and non-members – simply update your preferences in your MyCIBSE account.
SIG committees organise and host in-person events across the UK, while international members can join in discussions via the many online events. The additional activities of each SIG varies depending on the needs of the group members – some host annual lectures, some organise awards, and others focus on policy and updating knowledge publications.
The 20 volunteer-led Regions seek to connect, inform and inspire our members and the wider communities in which they work and live. In 2023, they organised more than 245 events. There are 16 UK Regions and four international ones: Republic of Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, Hong Kong, and United Arab Emirates. They engage with members and aim to improve the understanding of building services engineering among other professions and society in general. They arrange activities to promote building services engineering, provide networking opportunities for local members and support those looking to become professionally registered.
As a CIBSE member, you are automatically enrolled into a Region, which gives you access to local events and networking opportunities, and enables you to meet other CIBSE members local to you.
All the CIBSE SIGs, Regions and Groups are run by an incredible network of volunteers
Key engineering specialisms are represented within CIBSE by Divisions, also known as Societies. These offer professional recognition to their members and support the art, science and practice of engineering within their field.
There are currently five Divisions: the Society of Light and Lighting (SLL); the Society of Façade Engineering (SFE); the Society of Public Health Engineers (SoPHE); the Society of Digital Engineering (SDE); and CIBSE Patrons. They have a combined membership of almost 7,000, and more than 180 company members and partners.
You can achieve professional chartered status with SLL, SFE and SoPHE, and the SDE is finalising its new professional grades, which will launch later this year.
CIBSE Patrons are often referred to as the ‘corporate supporters’ of CIBSE. They are a group of businesses that collaborate to give financial, technical and moral backing to a wide range of initiatives led by the Institution, and are open for membership from interested companies.
Get involved
All the CIBSE Societies, Regions and Groups are run by an incredible network of volunteers who are integral to CIBSE. Get in touch with your region, or visit the volunteer pages (www.cibse.org/get-involved/volunteering), to find out more about the opportunities available.