Core modules on the basics of retrofi t should be a ‘minimum requirement’ across all construction -related qualifi cations and training, a new Construction Leadership Council (CLC) report has urged. Roadmap of skills for net zero, published by the CLC’s People & Skills workstream on 7 May, sets out a framework for defi ning competence in the domestic retrofi t sector.
It says training curricula and content should be evaluated and updated, and mechanisms established for validation and certifi cation. Core modules on the basics of retrofi t and building physics should be introduced, and carbon and climate literacy should be a ‘minimum requirement’ across all construction qualifi cations and training.
The report also urges the government to commit to a long-term national retrofit strategy, to provide certainty and a pipeline of work, stimulating demand for retrofi t. In addition, i t recommends a review of government-funded schemes and targets – for example, linking skills and retrofi t programme funding.