Lighting up the gallery: daylighting in arts institutions

Advanced techniques in lighting analysis are allowing designers to reintroduce daylighting into galleries without damaging the exhibits or causing visual discomfort to those viewing them.…

November 2023

Glint of steel: the lighting design journey of Espenes rest stop

An award-winning low-energy lighting scheme tuned into the stunning natural backdrop of its Norwegian landscape for inspiration. Jill Entwistle speaks to the designers behind the…

November 2023

Digging deep for heat: connecting abandoned mines to district energy networks

The integration of minewater into smart cooling and heat networks offers a sustainable energy solution. LSBU researcher Eshagh Goudarzi provides an overview of how abandoned…

November 2023

Trialling materials passports at the Edenica office building

Edenica’s new all-electric office building in London is a pilot for the use of material passports. Waterman's Mark Terndrup and Anastasia Stella give details of…

November 2023

Sound advice

Noise and vibration from HVAC systems such as large heat pumps can have a huge impact on occupant comfort. KP Acoustics Group’s Kyriakos Papanagiotou and Mason…

November 2023

Graduating with honours: Cambridge University’s Passivhaus student housing

Passivhaus accommodation for Cambridge University students at Cranmer Road won a CIBSE Building Performance Award thanks to an elegant, but simple, all-electric services design by…

September 2023
More case studies