Case study: Manchester’s garden of Eden

Wellbeing is at the core of Manchester’s Eden building, which features the biggest green wall in Europe and has been designed to ensure tenants have the potential to achieve Well Certification. Andy Pearson finds out how wellbeing and sustainability were baked into the design

Biodiversity: engineering nature’s blueprint

With developments soon having to create a 10% biodiversity net gain, Ashley Bateson, Chin Chen and Robert Winch discuss why nature-based solutions are vital in reducing climate risk

Volumetric’s award-winning Modulhaus housing for the homeless

Recognised by the CIBSE Building Performance Awards, the Volumetric Modulhaus project revolutionises temporary housing solutions for the homeless through a unique blend of innovation, sustainability, and societal concern. Andy Pearson reports

Case study: Edge Suedkreuz offices in Berlin

The striking Edge Suedkreuz office development in Berlin required a space-defying chilled beam system design that met the building’s exacting ventilation, cooling and heating demands. Andy Pearson reports

Buildings for the future

Future structures will be carbon negative, climate resilient and integrated into the local community, according to engineers and sustainability experts at Buro Happold. They tell Andy Pearson why the next generation of buildings must be designed today