Training and development

CIBSE’s Training and Development (T&D) Panel aims to promote best practice across organisations by supporting their engineers to become professionally registered, says T&D Panel chair Simon Steed

CIBSE’s approved Training and Development (T&D) scheme is an in-company training programme that develops engineers’ skills and competence towards achieving Engineering Council registration and corporate membership of CIBSE.

Currently, 24 companies have approved schemes, and can use this approval to help when bidding for contracts or answering pre-qualification questions. For employees, approval ensures they are on a structured support system geared towards their skills and competence to achieve professional registration.

To help develop best practice, CIBSE’s T&D Panel – part of the education, training and membership group – supports companies with developing training schemes for all membership grades.

Comprising 16 members, and supported by four moderators, the panel meets three times a year.

Initial advice and reviewing applications
For a company looking to establish an approved training scheme, the panel will offer initial advice and then review its application to ascertain its conformity to CIBSE general guidelines and the Engineering Council criteria. The panel does not provide a prescriptive approach to scheme arrangements, but seeks to ensure that the capture of objectives is recorded and the learning point is recognised.

The panel will then visit in person, and review plans and documentation. If the application is approved, formal recognition is granted for three years.

With existing schemes, the panel reviews the training plan to ensure any updates from CIBSE or the Engineering Council have been incorporated.

Our visit is often virtual and includes a meeting with trainees to see how the scheme is progressing, and how challenges are being addressed. A review of the objective achieved reports, which record a trainee’s progress through the UK-SPEC competencies, and annual trainee report is part of this due diligence. We also meet with mentors to understand the challenges in supporting trainees and the best practices that are in place.

Annual forum
The T&D Panel runs a series of training events throughout the year, where they offer best-practice advice to T&D schemes and companies can meet to discuss the implementation and operation of training schemes.

We are always keen to hear from individuals willing to help and support us. Contact CIBSE on for more information.

  • Simon Steed FCIBSE is Training and Development panel chair, and Buildings Group Manager UK – PM Group

Unlocking the code to successful training
Whitecode Consulting is aligning its apprenticeships with the T&D scheme

To enhance the skills, competence and development of its workforce, building services engineer Whitecode Consulting has applied for approval to the CIBSE Training & Development (T&D) scheme to help it meet stringent quality standards. The application process involved taking existing internal training documents and processes, and developing them in line with CIBSE requirements.

Our directors are highly involved with our apprentices, giving them first-hand access to a wealth of engineering experience. This is part of our vision to create a happy workforce with a desire to deliver excellence

Whitecode has been providing assistance to its trainees and graduates to gain CIBSE membership for more than 10 years, but taking advantage of the CIBSE T&D scheme will further improve training methods and processes.

Whitecode benefited from feedback and advice from the CIBSE panel, helping to improve the existing training scheme and ensuring trainees receive the best possible support. The approved
programme has been met positively by employees, despite initial teething problems.

Whitecode currently has 17 trainees, who are all being encouraged to become chartered when their knowledge and experience allows. Three employees have already successfully completed their ACIBSE membership since the inception of the scheme a year ago.

Whitecode’s technical director Jason Tramontano, said: ‘We have an in-house apprenticeship scheme to train and give young people an opportunity to progress by training them as engineers. Our directors are highly involved with our apprentices, giving them first-hand access to a wealth of engineering experience. This is part of our vision to create a happy workforce with a desire to deliver excellence.’