After a drop in donations to its Benevolent Fund, CIBSE is asking members to consider making a voluntary £10 contribution by ticking the Benevolent Fund box when they renew their memberships.
There has been a drop in contributions in recent years, with fewer than 25% of CIBSE members contributing in 2024 – the lowest figure ever, which could impact the vital safety net the fund is able to offer.
The Fund, which celebrated its 90th anniversary last year, was set up to help members and former members, and their dependants, in need. It provides financial and other assistance to those whose circumstances have changed, wherever they are in the world. This could be as a result of serious illness, death, or financial hardship. Since its inception, the fund has helped hundreds of individuals, their dependants, and families.
There are three main sources of income for the fund: donations from members at subscription renewal time; dividends on investments; and one-off donations from members, regions and CIBSE events.
Around 5% of members have their membership subscriptions paid for by their employer, and these do not include the fund donation.
For those paying by direct debit, donations to the Fund are taken unless you have opted out. CIBSE will advise you if you are opted out when they send your DD notification. If you wish to contribute please reply to this notification and let us know.
If you are not currently making a contribution to the fund through your membership subscription, but wish to, you can make a donation at: Benevolent Fund Go Fund Me
Donations are essential for the fund to carry on its important function and to continue being able to support those requiring help. Kevin Kelly, chair of the CIBSE Benevolent Fund, said: ‘The Fund was set up by you, for you. It is, quite simply, at the heart of what the CIBSE community does so well – supporting each other – and we need to ensure that it continues to be able to offer that support for the benefit of our whole CIBSE family.’
Each CIBSE Region has one Benevolent Fund almoner, who acts as the contact for any members in their region looking for assistance or advice. The almoners are integral to the functioning of the fund and the support it offers members in their local region, helping with access to services, arranging financial help, and more.
Alan McWilliam, almoner for the East Midlands Region, says he has been able to offer CIBSE members and their dependants regular financial assistance or one-off payments to help with unforeseen expenses, such as a contribution to household repairs. Volunteering ‘gives me such a feeling of belonging to the CIBSE community and a sense of satisfaction, knowing that I am helping someone make ends meet’, he adds.
Of contributing to the Benevolent Fund, McWilliam says: ‘If you donate, you will do so knowing that you will be helping someone in our building services community.’
If you know someone who could benefit from the help the fund can offer, or simply a chat to find out what is available, please put them in touch with their local almoner. Details of all the almoners can be found at: www.cibse.org/about-cibse/benevolent-fund/benevolent-fund-almoners
For more information and to contact your local almoner or make a donation, visit www.cibse.org/benfund